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Argan Oil...A Natural Remedy for Acne

 Argan Oil for Acne

Argan Oil Makes a Great Acne Remedy


Did you know that Argan Oil is one of the best remedies for Acne and Acne Scarred skin?   It has special properties that make it an essential remedy in your Acne Skincare Rituals.   Learn more here!

 While it may seem counterintuitive to put and oil on already oily, acne prone skin, you may be surprised to know that Argan Oil is one of the main remedies that the Women of Morocco use for Acne.

 Acne is sometimes the result of oily skin, but our skin is often oily because we dry it out with harsh facial cleansers and it reacts by producing even more oil to counteract the dryness. Argan oil mimics the composition of the oils naturally found on our face and hydrates without greasy residue, essentially telling our skin there is no need to produce additional oil and thus preventing breakouts.

Due to the presence of antioxidants, argan oil can treat existing acne by reducing inflammation and healing damaged skin cells, possibly even fading post-acne marks and hyperpigmentation by increasing cell turnover

 One of the amazing things about using argan oil to treat acne is that it’s not just an acne treatment, it works wonders for the skin too! Argan oil works to regulate and balance the skin’s hydrolipidic film, which “a protective film that covers the entire surface of the skin. It is composed mainly of sweat, sebum and water and its main function is to defend the skin against bacteria, acting as an external protective barrier. It also helps the skin to maintain its suppleness and moisture. Restoring proper balance to this hydrolipidic film helps to regulate your sebum (oil) production while also rejuvenating the skin.


What is Acne?

 Acne is caused when tiny holes in the skin, known as hair follicles, become blocked.

Sebaceous glands are tiny glands found near the surface of your skin. The glands are attached to hair follicles, which are small holes in your skin that an individual hair grows out of.  Sebaceous glands lubricate the hair and the skin to stop it drying out. They do this by producing an oily substance called sebum.

In acne, the glands begin to produce too much sebum. The excess sebum mixes with dead skin cells and both substances form a plug in the follicle.If the plugged follicle is close to the surface of the skin, it bulges outwards, creating a whitehead. Alternatively, the plugged follicle can be open to the skin, creating a blackhead.  Bacteria that live on the skin can then contaminate and infect the plugged follicles, causing papules, pustules, nodules or cysts.

What are the triggers of Acne?

Other health and lifestyle factors can contribute to Acne and Acne prone Skin.  These include: Hormone Imbalances, Diet and Food Allergies, Genetics, Stress, Toxins, and Harsh Skin Care products

How to Use Argan Oil for Acne and Acne Scars

Argan Oil helps the skin fight acne by promoting cell regeneration, skin elasticity, hydration, revitalization as well as by fading acne scars. Argan oil also helps repair the skin’s hydrolipidic barrier.  Applying it on your face allows your skin to breathe and regulates sebum production.

 Apply several drops of Argan Oil to your face in the morning and in the evening.  

 AGELESS Renewing Face Oil for Acne

AGELESS Renewing Face Oil combines the wonderful anti-acne benefits of Argan Oil with Essential oils of Rose and Sandalwood.    Sandalwood essential oil boasts potent anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antioxidant properties that may benefit those prone to cystic acne breakouts. Its oil composition allows it to penetrate deep into the skin, making it successful at preventing the formation of surface-level acne pustules or papules. Rose oil helps balance moisture levels in skin, reduce the appearance of skin imperfections, and promote a healthy-looking and even skin tone. 

The Synergistic Combination of Argan Oil with Essential Oils makes AGELESS and Excellent Beauty elixir for Acne and Acne Scars.

 Moroccan ROSE WATER Mist for Acne

Here are a few reasons why rose water is considered to be one of the best remedies for acne.  The excessive use of cosmetic products such as facial cleansers or soaps can disturb your skin’s pH balance. This condition can further contribute to the growth of bacteria which can result in acne breakouts. Rose Water can balance out this disturbance by maintaining your skin’s pH levels.  Rose water is a natural toner that cleanses your pores, removes excess oil, and reduces the size of acne. It helps in killing off acne-causing bacteria while preventing future breakouts. Moreover, it is also effective in healing acne scars. Rose water comprises of anti-inflammatory and cooling properties which can help soothe the irritation and aggravation caused by acne breakouts.


Rose Water Mist for Acne

Moroccan Elixir Acne Skin Care Ritual

  1. Gently cleanse your face with an organic Cleanser that is free of parabens and harsh chemicals.
  2. Mist the Face with Moroccan Rose Water Mist as a gentle purifying and moisturizing Toner.
  3. Apply AGELESS Renewing Face oil to the blemished skin and allow it to absorb.
  4. Do this Ritual in the Morning and Before Bed.




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