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How I discovered Argan Oil on an Adventure in Morocco...

Pure Argan Oil from Morocco

I discovered Argan Oil on my first trip to Morocco in 2006….

“He who does not travel does not know the value of men.” —Moorish proverb

When I arrive in a new country, the first two things on my cultural agenda are Music and Medicine. I am fascinated with the local healers, medicine, and remedies of all traditional cultures. 

“To awaken quite alone in a strange town
is one of the pleasantest sensations in the world.” —Freya Stark

The front desk person at my Riad explained to me in both French and Arabic where the local Berber Pharmacy was. It seemed clear enough at the time so I adventured off through the winding alleys and souks (markets) of the Medina, or old city.

Moroccan Souk

The colors, smells and sounds of Marrakesh were a wonderful assault to all of my senses. The 20-minute adventure took almost 6 hours. I was distracted by vendors and Berber Carpet sellers that were seducing me into their shops with cups of Mint tea followed by heavy pressure sales tactics. I quickly had a reputation for bargaining like a Berber, which I have learned on my many trips abroad to countries where negotiating is part of the social fabric and custom. It is a delightful way to have fun with the locals. By the time I made it to the Berber Pharmacy I had 3 pairs of pointy Berber slippers and a Gorgeous Berber carpet.


Moroccan Souk Berber Slippers


“When preparing to travel, lay out all your clothes and all your money.
Then take half the clothes and twice the money.” —Susan Heller


The Berber Pharmacist invited me in and I introduced myself as une Docteur du Medicine Naturelle. I was quickly taken into the back room and seated with some Mint Tea. The pharmacy assistants brought out the samples of wonderful herbs, spices, and beauty remedies of the Berber people. There were elixirs and potions for all sorts of ailments…including some Berber Viagra!!! After 6 hours of Berber harassment in the souks I felt that Berber Viagra was the last thing these people needed. The beauty creams were laced with Rose Oil and Orange Blossoms. The friendly assistants were massaging me with so many oils that I smelled like a flower garden. I was in heaven and learning so much about the Traditional Berber Medicines. The Pharmacist himself presented Argan Oil to me. Argan oil is also known as liquid gold. It has a lovely golden amber color and I quickly learned how expensive and rare it is. Argan Oil is a Moroccan Elixir for beauty, health and longevity. It has been used for centuries by the local people in both Culinary and Cosmetic forms. The Berbers use it as a food to benefit rheumatism, high cholesterol, diabetes and more. In its cosmetic form, it is a beauty elixir known to reduce aging and enhance skin and hair regeneration. This is when my addiction to Argan Oil began. I bought Argan Oil in every form and combination imaginable and used it for the next year.


Berber Pharmacy Morocco

On my second visit to Morocco, I discovered the Argan Co-Operatives….

Argan Oil Women's Co-Operatives 

I met my husband, Ahmed, on my second trip to Morocco at a music festival in Essaouira. Essaouira is an enchanting city on the Atlantic Ocean. Wind surfers, kites surfers, and Berbers wandering along the coast on Camels greet the wonderful sandy beaches and sea. It is truly a magical place on earth.


“Wandering re-establishes the original harmony which once existed
between man and the universe” —Anatole France

Moroccan Seaside and Camels


This white city is known for its laid back atmosphere, its musical heritage of Gnawa music, and it’s Argan Oil Co-Operatives. Ahmed had a connection to the ladies at the Marjana Argan Co-Operative, so we spent a day trip travelling there to learn about the Argan Oil production and the Co-Operatives operations. It was in this trip that I learned about the arduous and time-consuming process that takes the nut from an Argan Tree and transforms it into this liquid gold. It takes 20 hours of manual labor to extract one liter of Argan Oil. Various Fair Trade Co-Operatives in the south west of Morocco perform the methods of producing Argan Oil in the Traditional way. The Co-Operatives of Women are the country’s opportunity to help the poorer and disenfranchised women with good paying jobs, health care, childcare, and homes.

Argan Oil for Body

Moroccan Elixir is an Opportunity to share in the culture, welfare and medicine of Morocco While enjoying the beauty and health benefits of Argan Oil-Liquid Gold.

I hope that you will enjoy and experience the wonders of Moroccan Elixir and Argan Oil. Ahmed has begun to import the Argan Oil from the Marjana Co-Operative. We have formulated Moroccan Elixir with pure Argan oil and organic essential oils.

The Wonders of Argan Oil speak for itself. I am so excited to share with you this exotic health elixir from my travels!

“Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful,
we must carry it with us or we find it not.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson

I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. We are happy to share these wonderful products with you.


By: Dr. Gabrielle Francis



Love it! Thanks for the information.



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